Showing posts with label Stop Snoring Naturally. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Stop Snoring Naturally. Show all posts

Friday, 24 August 2012

How to Stop Snoring Naturally

How to Stop Snoring Naturally
By George Kurniawan
There is no doubt that snoring can cause major inconvenience especially at night. So if you snore a lot and your partner often complains about it, it's time to take action. You can go for expensive surgical treatments to finally put an end to your problem, or you can rely on natural remedies to get rid of snoring altogether.

Why choose natural remedies? For one, they are a lot cheaper than the surgical treatments and commercial products available. Second, anyone can do them even without medical assistance. Third, because they are home remedies, they do not pose any threat to humans and the environment.

Here are some easy ways on how to stop snoring naturally
1. Avoid excessive alcohol intake. 
Normally, when we sleep, our muscles tend to be relaxed. But if you drink alcohol, the relaxation that your muscles feel is a lot more than the usual, causing snoring. Or sometimes, in worse cases, this will cause sleep apnea.

2. Lose excess fats. 
Snoring is oftentimes associated with large people or those who are suffering from obesity. The reason behind this is that the throat and the breathing airway are clogged with excess fats. This clogging results to a narrow air passageway, which eventually leads you to snore.

3. Stop smoking. 
There are two things that smoking does to you in relation to snoring. First, it relaxes the muscles in your throat. Second, it causes congestion in your nasal cavity. The more you smoke, the narrower your passageway becomes and the louder your snores will be.
4. Sleep on your side, or use special kinds of pillows. 
When you don't sleep in the right position, your airways get blocked. Experts suggest that you sleep on your side to clear out any obstruction in your throat. Also, you might want to get a special type of pillow that can give you the elevation that you need. These pillows vary in brands, but the most popular types include contoured and latex foam pillows.

5. Exercise regularly. 
Having an effective exercise regimen will not only open up your airway, but you will also lose excess fats. In addition to those, exercising also results to a healthier and fitter body.

6. Be picky when it comes to what you eat at dinner. 
Some food items such as dairy products tend to produce mucus, which clogs either your throat or nasal cavity. So as much as possible, do not eat a heavy meal during dinner.

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