Thursday, 23 August 2012

Eye Makeup Tips

Eye Makeup Tips
By Suzane Dass

Creating a smokey eye makeup effect is extremely simple. You can use any makeup brands and brushes that you already have at home so you wont have to run out and buy anything special to accomplish this look. Following are some great eye make up tips to help you create your perfect smokey eye.

First, you want to start with an eye primer which acts as a base for your smokey eye. You can use an application brush, pad or your fingers to apply evenly. Remember that these are general eye makeup tips and you should always do what works for you.

Next, use a smudgy dark eyeliner to completely line the water edge of your lower lid and also your upper eyelids paying close attention to the areas in between your top lashes. Use a clean smudge brush to softly blend the liner on your lower lid then using the same brush smudge the upper liner blending to the outer corner of your eye.

To bring some warmth to the look, use a warm pink or brown shadow to apply to the eye crease from the outer to inner corners. As a makeup tip, use a thin brush to apply this shadow to keep it in the crease area where you want it. Use a medium brown to shade the area just under your eyebrow. If you feel that pink eye shadow didn't suit you then you can always try out pitch or light greenish color. Always try to apply that color which suits you the best.

Choosing a silver shadow and using a flat brush, apply the shade in a dabbing motion from the inner part of your upper eyelids to just past the center of your pupil. Next, use a medium gray shadow and lightly dab the center part of your upper eyelid. Last, use a black shadow to lightly apply to the outer corner of your eye and blend in toward the gray center. Use a soft clean brush to lightly blend the outer edges of the shadow over your whole eyelid to create the whole smokey eye make up look.

To finish this look off, reapply eyeliner to the upper eyelid followed by a black or dark mascara. Remember that when using these makeup tips you can work with your own colors and use what is most comfortable for you to create your smokey eye makeup.

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Unknown said...

this is genius! thanks for this awesome DIY!
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